Have you been feeling like a lost soul lately? Do you feel like you've been falling through the cracks? Do others treat you without compassion or understanding? Does it look like your life is without pattern or purpose? Would you like to be in love with life?
Let me help you to fall in love with life once again, or for the first time!
Here's what you'll read in Stages of the Soul:
- Something More: The Essence of a Soulful Life
- Lost Souls: The First Step to Finding the Soul
- Falling Through the Cracks
- Compassion: the Path to Inner Guidance and Wisdom
- Tapestry: Discerning a Pattern in the Pieces of Our Lives
- Attic Wisdom: Becoming at Home with the Eternal
- Return: Coming Back to the World You Left
- Re-enchantment: Teaching Our Hearts to Sing Again
- Perambulations: Meandering Through the Soulful Life
Ready to trace the journey of your soul? Click here.